Eldersons, a Goa-based soft drink brand in the making, is all about real ginger in their fizzy ginger ale instead of the usual added flavours. During the strategy phase, I collaborated with a fellow designer, and together we laid down the strategy and presented our respective creative directions.

My design approach drew inspiration from the brand name, Eldersons, coined from the founders’ struggles as the eldest sons in their families and their vision for a bold and unconventional brand. The label design features ginger as two serious-looking characters with a touch of whack, capturing the duality of the eldest child juggling maturity and goofiness. The real ginger imagery reinforces the authenticity of the ginger ale, as it transforms ginger pieces into goofy characters, capturing Eldersons' serious approach to keeping their product authentic and their eccentricity.

The clients loved the ginger theme, and as the design went through a few iterations, the label design went in a different direction. Like any designer with a soft spot for their discarded drafts, I moved on to build an identity around my favourite reject complete with a vibrant colour palette, simple typography, and silly prints. Lastly, this identity is dynamic— swap the ginger for another fruit if Eldersons rolls out a new drink.